Test before using any mastic! Always follow manufacturer's directions on the can. Do not apply Mirro-Mastic to a painted surface, wall covering or treated wood. Palmer Mirro-Mastic® Bond must be used to seal porous substrates. Support mirror at the bottom. Mechanical fasteners must be used for all mirror applications, such as
CRL Mirror Clips or with
CRL Mirror Mounting Tape. Apply both double-sided mirror mounting tape and mastic at room temperature following directions on each package. If the directions do not cover conditions at hand, consult
CRL Technical Sales. It is the users responsibility to determine the mastic's suitability to a particular application. CRL cannot guarantee materials against mirror spoilage. If you have questions concerning the use of mastics, call CRL Technical Sales for more information.
CEILING APPLICATION (Maximum mirror size - 16 sq. ft.)
Ceiling mirrors
MUST be applied with four applicator scoops of mastic to the square foot in conjunction with permanently installed mechanical fasteners and applied to moisture resistant drywall. Wood products should not be used. To get the proper application the Palmer Electric Applicator
MUST be used. Be sure ceiling is not under bathrooms or kitchens where bowl, sink, or tub water could run over and damage ceiling.
MUST consult Palmer Products prior to any ceiling application.