My CRL Orders/Account Page for C.R. Laurence (CRL)

My CRL Orders - Shipped and Unshipped
- CRL Express Checkout - CRL Express Checkout can be enabled on your account when you edit your settings for each section listed in your CRL Express Checkout. Once complete simply click on the Turn Express Checkout On button. Now when you go to your shopping cart you will see the Express Checkout button visible. Your order will be automatically charged to the payment method on your Express Checkout account and shipped to the address indicated on your Express Checkout account--you skip the shopping cart checkout process! For more information on this new value-added application, click here.
- View and Pay My Invoices - This page will display your most recently shipped orders, while also displaying a list of all unpaid invoices. You can view tracking information and details for each invoice, as well as print and e-mail multiple invoices.
- View My CRL eStatements - This page will display your CRL eStatements for the past 12 months. CRL eStatements are a safe, secure way to receive your CRL information. Instead of receiving a paper statement in the mail each month, you'll be able to access and view your monthly statement through My CRL. And, CRL eStatements are FREE to all our valued customers.
- View My Unshipped Orders - This page will display all unshipped orders for your account. You can view, check on, or make changes to any open order.
- View My History of Shipped Orders - This page will display your company's invoice history going back approximately 90 days. You can view tracking information and details for each invoice, as well as print and e-mail multiple invoices.
- View My Pending Quotes - This page will display your company's pending quotes. You can view or change and re-submit them. You will also be able to submit/approve them to be purchased and converted into an order online.
- View My Product History - This page will display a list of the CRL products that you have purchased this year and last year. Here you can gain valued insight into your product purchase history, and also add products directly to your personal catalogue for quick ordering.
- Change My Account, Sign In Information or Payment Options - Keep your mailing and shipping information current, along with changing your password to Sign On, along with adding, deleting or updating credit cards associated with your account.